Sunday, March 22, 2015

Benefits of Onions For Health

Benefits of Onions For Health - In our daily life, our dishes served on dishes that are often of onion seasoning, especially for people who live in Southeast Asia. Naturally, if the grain Southeast Asian food always has a red onion. In onion, tuber part is the most commonly used, but there is also the use of the leaves and flower stalks as a food flavoring in some areas only. In how to use it, onion which originally came from Southeast Asia and Central Asia is usually thinly sliced, then fried. Red onion fried or fried onions is commonly called was frequently sprinkled on foods such as soup or soup and other dishes as well.

Many of the content contained in onions and their benefits as well. As with onion has vitamin C, folic acid, fiber, calcium and iron. In addition, red onions also contain substances that can naturally regulate hormones auxin and giberilin. Almost the same as garlic, no wonder also if in some places, red onion used as a traditional medicine of utilizing the antiseptic compound alliin which is anti-microbial and bactericidal.
Some Benefits Onion To Health

Apart from being a recipe seasoning, red onions benefits can also nourish our bodies, even onions can also treat diseases such as:

    Relieves cough
    Overcoming Asthma
    Coping with the loss of hair and dandruff
    Lowering high blood pressure sera levels of fat in the body
    Eliminate headaches
    Cope with worms and hemorrhoids
    Treating fever and abdominal bloating in children
    Coping with irregular menstrual women

Such diseases can be fixed by using a red onion. But in response to treatment, there are differences in the way the use of the red onion in diseases suffered. Here are ways to use onions in certain diseases:

1. Overcoming cough


    Red onion 4gr
    4 ounces fresh Mentha arvensis
    Sembung fresh 4gr
    2 g fennel fruit
    Fresh herbs 4gr
    Water around 125ml

How to:

Pipiskan overall the material with water that is available, then you can make it into an intravenous infusion or pills. Drugs can be taken every other day for 14 days.

2. Overcoming fever in children


    Red onion
    Coconut oil
    Eucalyptus oil

How to:

Tipiskan onion, then mix the onion that has been thinned with coconut oil and eucalyptus oil. If completed, you can splash it on flatulence, legs, hands and whole body as well.

3. Overcoming dandruff


    Red onion
    Curd and a few drops of honey

How to:

Red onion blended, then mix it with lemon, curd and honey that has been provided. You can apply it to the hair and then let sit for 30 minutes. After that, rinse the hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo.

4. Coping with hair loss

Red onion containing sulfur can be used to treat hair loss. This is because sulfur is contained has a role as enhancing blood circulation and hair booster.


    Red onion
    Hot coconut oil

How to:

Ho head massage using coconut oil for 30 minutes, then apply onion that has been blended in the pores of your head. Once the lid of your hair with a warm towel so that your hair will evaporate.

From the above explanation, of course you already know the benefits of red onion lies not only in terms of food seasoning, but also onion also has benefits for the health of our bodies. So, wait no more, if you have a disease such as the above constraints, it is better if you practice for the health benefits of red onion as a traditional medicine.

12 Benefits of Garlic for Health & Leather (Tested)

12 Benefits of Garlic for Health & Leather (Tested)

The benefits of garlic a lot that we can feel for everyday life. Garlic belongs to the family of tubers. Garlic is often known as a culinary spice and already well known in many parts of the world. Which makes it a popular herb is its ability to prevent cancer.

benefits of onions putihTapi affection, sometimes pungent aroma of her making plants are not widely consumed directly, but only as a spice, so that only a small amount of garlic we consume.

Almost all natural ingredients have properties in the body respectively. Likewise with garlic, but before turning to the benefits, it helps us to know the nutrient content in garlic interesting.

1. Benefits of Having a compound Allicin Garlic, Used For Drug
Garlic is a plant that has been used since the days of ancient Egypt, allicin content is one of the substances used as drugs. Allicin is one of the most biologically active components and a large main ingredient in garlic. What is the function of this allicin? it is anti-bacterial substance contained in garlic.

Various research has been done on this matter and discovered that he had an important effect on some health issues below 1):

    Lose weight
    Thin the blood
    Prevent hypertension
    Anti-cancer agent
    And anti-anti-microbial / bacterial.

This substance is what makes the characteristic smell of garlic. Garlic contains sulfur compounds called Allicin, which is believed to play a major role and bring health benefits like no other.
2. Garlic Herbal Anti-Cancer

Wowwww, at least that is the reaction discovered by researchers when examining the efficacy of garlic for the most dangerous disease of cancer. Garlic is worth mentioning as herbal / plant anti-cancer, allyl sulfide content contained in garlic that caused it as an anti-cancer herbs.

One of the real evidence found by investigators is the content of PhIP, one form of heterocyclic amines (HCAs), which are substances that can trigger breast cancer for women. From various studies conducted diallyl sulfide substances contained in garlic inhibits the growth and transformation into a carcinogen PhIP that can ultimately lead to cancer payudara2).

But you should remember that garlic has anti-cancer agent that is effective to prevent the growth of various types of cancer cells that are harmful to you.
3. Powerful Lowering High Blood Pressure
These are the benefits of garlic that has been tested, have a lot of research that issued the fact that garlic is effective in lowering high blood pressure of about 7-8% 3). Even the effects of garlic can lower blood pressure in normal people. Most studies using specific garlic powder.
4. Garlic Rich Nutrition and Low Calorie
nutrition garlic

Garlic is one of those herbs that have excellent nutritional content and needed by the body. Garlic is very high in vitamin C and calcium and iron.

Here is a summary of the nutrients provided by garlic garlic per 136 Gr 4):

    Vitamin C; Meets 71% of daily needs
    Calcium; Meets 25% of daily needs
    Iron; Meets 13% of daily needs
    Carbohydrate (45 g); 15% of daily needs
    Fiber (3 g); meets 11% of daily needs.

Nutrients found in the content of garlic is very beneficial to the human body, but it does not contain any unique or nutrients that may be harmful to the body if it is too large such as saturated fat and calories.

These herbs can certainly help support the health of the body and makes us free from dangerous diseases.
5. Source Antivirus / anti-bacterial / A very Powerful Antioxidants

The most popular efficacy of garlic is a very rich source of antioxidants and of course required by the body. Not only to prevent, garlic is also known as an anti-virus and bacteria, substances contained in garlic may help prevent the growth of bacteria, fungi, yeast, and viruses and worms in the body 5).
6. Powerful Trimming Bad Cholesterol (LDL)
One other greatness of the herb / spice Indonesia's most famous dishes is the ability to lower bad cholesterol. He was able to cut LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body significantly, various research proves that he can cut as much as 10-15% LDL 6). Do not worry with HDL (good cholesterol) you, although garlic effective for lowering LDL, but does not have a significant effect for HDL, so you will stay healthy.

Bengan stimulated insulin production can consume garlic, this is the same as the benefits of coffee are consumed wisely. Increased insulin reduces blood sugar levels.
7. Want to Longevity? Garlic solution

Age is the secret of God, but with the myriad benefits of garlic that we discussed it does not hurt that the regular consumption of garlic can help improve the life of so long and durable. Here are some considerations.

    Avoid cancer, a major killer in the world
    Avoid heart disease with the ability to cut LDL in the blood.
    Reducing high blood pressure
    Anti-oxidants Anti-Bacterial + + Anti-Virus

All four of the above functions is one of the factors supporting to live young and longevity. Avoid dangerous diseases and anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial healthy is the key to a happy life.
8. Garlic Effective For Skin Beauty

Not only health, supported by garlic, as well as the benefits of cucumbers, garlic also provide excellent benefits for skin beauty.

    Clear blackheads. Blackheads often appear and disturb the appearance of the nose area. Enough garlic puree, then apply on the afflicted area blackheads.
    Stain removal scars. Scars can sometimes make the lack of confidence for the memlikinya. The benefits of garlic, provide anti-inflammatory properties that is able to clean up the wound on the skin. Rub garlic on the stain of the wound.
    Acne medication. A clove of crushed garlic then smeared on the skin surface are acne, then let stand 10 minutes or use the time before bed. The next day, pimples will mengempes and smaller, do regularly to obtain optimum results.

9. Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

Koq could garlic until at preventing neurological diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's? Or nerve damage caused by oxidative free radicals play an important role in the aging process. Garlic contains antioxidants that support the body's protective mechanisms against oxidative damage.

Garlic supplements have been proven to increase antioxidant enzymes in humans, as well as significantly reducing oxidative stress in patients with high blood pressure.

The combined benefits such as reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as antioxidant properties, can help prevent common brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia 7).
10. Garlic Could Cut Weight
Various research has found that the anti-inflammatory substances contained in garlic can help regulate fat cells are formed in our body. Obesity or weight gain occurs when fat continues to form, this phase change Pre-adipocytes into fat cells (adipocytes) through a process we call the inflammatory system. Vinyldithiin substances contained in garlic may help prevent the occurrence of this inflammatory process which is certainly good for preventing weight 8).
11. Eliminate Toothache Very Effective

Garlic can sometimes be useful in critical or urgent moment when you have a toothache, wahh ?? why yah? Toothache is generally caused by bacteria found in your teeth. Anti virus and bacteria in garlic can eradicate and eliminate the bacteria that cause tooth pain. In addition it also contains a powerful analgesic to overcome your dental pain.
12. Increase Iron Metabolism

Recent research on garlic has shown that he is very potent in memboost iron metabolism. Iron is stored in the cells contained in our body, the next activity is to transfer out of the cells and back into the body's circulation which would require a protein called ferroportin. Ferroportin is a protein that runs across the cell membrane, and provide for iron bridge to cross and leave the cell. Garlic can increase the production of this protein that helps keep the iron circulating in the body as needed.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Latest pictorial tutorial women wear hijab Indonesia

This time I will share how to wear hijab tutorial display a longer trend in the use of women Indonesia 2015






 In wearing the hijab, which is the most important note is the selection and use of appropriate inner ninja. In fact, functions more as a headscarf or a finishing touch finishing touch to give the impression as desired. Therefore berkreasilah regarding how to wear a veil and adjust the program as well as your taste.

veil worn a longer trend Indonesian women 2015

this be some kind of veil a longer trend in Indonesia

 1. Bergo Hijab (Veil Instant)

Bergo hijab

 2. Hijab Knitting


 3. Hijab Rectangle


 4. Hijab Triangle


 5. Instant Hijab (Syria)

syria hijab

 6. Hijab Jumbo (large)
Large Hijab

 that some of the veil a longer trend in Indonesia

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Good habits that can whiten skin naturally

Good habits that can whiten the skin naturally

Here are some things that if done regularly can be beneficial for your skin.

1. Keeping the skin

The first step is very important to do. because one cause of dullness is because there is dirt and bacteria on the skin. In addition to routine cleaning of the skin, can prevent skin diseases such as acne etc. Clean your skin at least 3 times a day. You also can clean the skin in the morning every time I wake up, noon, afternoon and night before you sleep. Oh yeah, make sure you also bathe regularly.

2. Routine Drinking Water

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, because it can make your body healthy. In addition to nourish the body, consuming lots of water also can make your skin is always fresh and not dried. The skin of people who rarely drink water with that will not be different. The skin of people who regularly drink water is usually going to look more moist and fresh.

3. Routine Sports

Try jogging regularly exercise at least once per week. Or you can also do moderate exercise for your body sweat that cause disease. By exercising your skin will look firmer and can inhibit early pengkriputan skin.

4. Perform Ablution

For those who are Moslem, you certainly know what it is ablution, yap right, wudhe is self-cleaning activities before we were about to perform their prayers. People who diligently praying 5 times a day, surely her skin will look more radiant. Why because each would pray, he will clean the skin 5 times a day, so that the cleanliness of the skin will be maintained and protected from other skin problems.

5. Keep Smile

Yep exactly once, the skin of people who often smiled happily will look healthier than the skin of people who daily preoccupation with sullen because of too much thinking about the problem. So, subtract multiply sullen smile, just do yourself smiling for no reason hihihhi.

6. Avoid Smoke

If you are a smoker, to get a smooth white skin you should begin to reduce and even stop smoking, because cigarette smoke also can disrupt the skin's health. Keep your skin in order to avoid cigarette smoke.By doing good habits above, not only white skin that you will get, but also, you will get a more toned skin and avoid premature pengkriputan.

Quick Ways to Whiten Underarm with Natural Ingredients

How to Whiten with Natural Ingredients

Quick Ways to Whiten Underarm with Natural Ingredients

1. Lemon and Lime

Lemon and Lime merupakakn thing that is very helpful in the process of bleaching the skin, not only effective for the skin, but it can also make the skin white tablets ketiang and groin. The trick really easy cuman stay coated wrote kepaha, each armpit certainly over time will be white.

2. Milk and Yogurt

Milk and yogurt nice for skin health, could dibayanginkan if we could milk bath menghilanhkan black spots due to irritation. In addition to making us become whiter underarms can also help keep the skin soft and supple.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is very good to eat as good for health. Spice this one is also commonly used as a cure wounds, can reduce the irritation of the skin and make skin brighter.

4. Cucumber

If it still has not ang doubt. It's easy to come by dimanapu, used for supplementary food salad. Since the famous cucumber usefulness is great for any skin whitening blackened part we can immediately shove and menempelkankan in the groin and armpits.

5. Toothpaste

It turns out that toothpaste can also whiten also tablets, can remove dead skin cells, but this is only used in the groin armpits do not fear it'll actually hot taste. It's easy once simply apply toothpaste taste in the armpit and let sit and then rinse with water.

6. Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil is very rich in vitamin E content, with rub it on the blackened part definitely will come back slowly white shine. We just need to rub and let stand for a few minutes.

7. Baking Soda

I just know it turns backing soda tablets many benefits, can redden the lips, teeth whitening and now whiten underarms and groin can. how cuman live mix baking soda with a little water and apply on the black. Not too much, do not leave it too long and do not do this too often yaa.

8. Papaya

Use papaya are still not fully ripe, mashed Blender or you can then put on the blackened part. Papaya have a lot of good for the skin is also good for skin whitening.

9. Potatoes

Grated potato able to eradicate all the stains and black spots that exist in the crotch and armpits. Quite a blender or grated and paste for a few minutes. do it Utin sure you will get amazing results

10. Lime Betel

Use Capuran whiting and lime or lemon. Apply the desired part. especially in the crotch. Once dries quickly to wash it using warm water

11. Stone Tawas

    You do not know alum stone? alum stone can be found in the market. alum stone can be used to brighten dark skin due to irritation. The trick lace alum stone in warm water and let stand until tawasnya stone disappears and mixed with water after it immediately olehkan in the armpit or groin. alum stone is also able to reduce the odor kerinngat tablets

12. Olive Oil

Olive oil is also believed to cure various skin problems, and therefore a lot of products that rely on olive oil as the main ingredient for cosmetics.

13. Rice flour

Citric acid is able to remove the black stains and brighten the skin. how pretty mix ang vinegar contains citric acid to make rice flour as scrub material so that it can make the dead come chipped selkulit

14. Sandalwood

    Sandalwood is one of the ingredients used for cooking, nah sandalwood can be used for the armpits and groin we just need to buy sandalwood powder that has been shaped.

15. Orange Peel

Orange is not only rich in vitamin C, it turns kulitnyapun rich in antioxidants that can bleach irritated skin. Caranyapun very easy you just grate the orange peel and put it in the armpit.

    * Note

    When using the tool to scrape, you must be fastidiously, see parutannya whether or not rusty. Why should it be - the heart? imagine aja bukanyya Myspace berhasit even make crotch and armpits exposed to bacteria germs and fungi. Even Potatoes will very quickly once blackened yangber rust if exposed grater.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

7 Best Foods for Eye Health so that vision is maintained


millions of people suffering from macular degeneration (macular degeneration) and cataracts. It's important to eat foods that are good for your eyes. When the vascular eye, eye requires foods low in saturated fat and trans fat to keep blood vessels healthy eyes.Numerous studies show that protecting the eyes starts with eating healthy foods. Foods rich in lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and antioxidants help prevent most of the problems associated with visual abilities in the elderly including macular degeneration and cataracts.

Here are the best foods to keep your eyes healthy:

1. Carrots

Naturally, carrots are in the top list of the best food for eye health. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A and beta-carotene which improve overall eye health. In addition, carrots are rich in fiber and potassium (potassium) are also good for eye health. Potassium helps maintain proper fluid balance in the body, and fiber to help keep your digestive system efficiently. Carrots are also high falcarinol, a substance that can slow the growth of cancer cells.

2. Salmon

Oil salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, and halibut are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids are important for eye health. Eating salmon regularly reduce the risks of macular degeneration by 38% and helps treat dry eye disease. Salmon is also the best source of vitamin D which helps improve eye health, heart health, and play an important role in the growth of healthy bones. Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon also helps reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and prevent disease and Alzheimer's slow. It is advisable to eat salmon at least twice a week.

3. Green vegetables

Kale, spinach, turnip greens, mustard greens, and other green vegetables contain two powerful antioxidants that zeaxanthin and lutein which is stored in the macula. The macula is a small part of the retina which acts as a very natural sunscreen, protecting your eyes from harmful rays. The antioxidants in green vegetables absorb blue light which is very harmful to the retina. In addition, it can detect better contrast and improve eyesight. Many studies have found that zeaxanthin and lutein reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

4. Corn

One of the most delicious vegetables and versatile is a rich yellow corn will zeaxanthin and lutein, a powerful antioxidant that is good for the eyes. Half a cup of cooked corn contains 1.8 grams of pigment. Eating corn regularly lowers the risk of cataracts and help prevent the loss of the yellow pigment in the eye. Corn is also enriched with vitamin C, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B1 (thiamin) and folate. In addition, corn is a fantastic source of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, and antioxidants that help the body fight cancer-causing free radicals. Due to the high content of fiber, corn helps prevent hemorrhoids, lower the risk of colon cancer, diabetes, heart problems, and help you lose weight.

5. Olive oil

A big reason why olive oil is very beneficial for the eyes is to help the body absorb nutrients from other foods. So, olive oil is more than just mix your salad to absorb nutrients from tomatoes and green vegetables or cooking ingredient sweet potatoes and meat. Research shows that a diet low in saturated fats and trans fats can help prevent diseases of the retina. Olive oil is naturally cholesterol-free, carbohydrate, and sodium, but high in vitamin E - 100 grams of fresh olive oil provides 96% of alpha-tocopherol - than the recommended amount of daily needs. In addition, rich in vitamin K - 100 grams of extra virgin olive oil naturally provide 50% - of the recommended daily intake. Vitamin K is essential for preventing heart disease, build strong bones, and maintain eye health.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are an excellent source of carotenoids, including lycopene (lycopene), an antioxidant compound that gives the red color of tomatoes are perfect. A study showed that lycopene helps protect the retina and other eye parts of minor damage. Lycopene also protects cells from damage and prevent prostate, stomach pain, and lung cancer. Tomatoes also contain lots of vitamin C, which protects the eyes, heal wounds, dmenangkal free radicals and increase iron absorption. Tomatoes also nourish the skin, boost immunity and brain power.

7. Sweet Potato

Other good foods for eye health is sweet potato. Containing beta-carotene to help maintain eye health. Just like carrots, sweet potatoes contain beta carotene abundant, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, fiber, manganese, potassium, that it was good for the eyes. A sweet potato provides more than 200% of beta-carotene recommended daily intake, 28% manganese intake daily, and 40% of vitamin C daily. Sweet potato is a source of vitamin D is important for the immune system, energy levels, eye health, and bone growth. Sweet potatoes are also good for heart health. Potassium and vitamin B6 high of sweet potato helps prevent high blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

how to lengthen eyelashes to get a more dramatic lashes and more formations

Have long eyelashes are ideal women, as long eyelashes give a more dramatic effect on the eye and give the impression when viewed. Many people are looking for ways to lengthen the lashes, especially because not all people are endowed with natural lashes long and thick.

Eyelash transplant method is usually used as an alternative to get extra eyelashes thick and long, but this method is expensive and not everyone can afford. Then, how you can get longer eyelashes without grafting methods are expensive?

 Eyelash lengthening the Eye Lashes

Using false eyelashes is a way to lengthen eyelashes effective, fast, and obviously does not require grafting method. False eyelashes today is not like false eyelashes products several years ago that memorable cheesy or tacky color; Today's false eyelashes are made of high-quality fiber and has a shape and color that is almost indistinguishable from the original eyelashes you. The range of color is also approaching the natural color of the eyebrows and the hair, so it can be adjusted with the original hair and eyebrows.

 False eyelashes can be ordered from the store makeup products, or even the manufacturer directly. Ordering of the factory is more advantageous because you can get a chance to order a model and color according to taste. Staying eyelash glue stick exclusively reserved for this product, your eyelashes will appear also in an instant longer. However, what if you are not like the existence of false eyelashes stuck on the eyelids?
 Stretches Lash Mascara for in Natural

Mascara remains is how to lengthen eyelashes naturally effective, but most people do not understand the proper way to use it, in order to really give the effect of longer lashes without looking tacky or unnatural. With proper usage, your mascara will give the effect of long lashes that look very natural.
Here are tips on using the right mascara for lengthening eyelashes:

     Use mascara on the upper lashes only, so that the impression your lashes shaded eyes and gives the impression of a longer. Avoid applying mascara on the bottom lashes as well because it will give the impression of Noak.

    Gunakan maskara dengan formula anti air agar melekat lebih lama. Selain itu, maskara dengan formula anti air juga cenderung nampak lebih tebal sehingga memberi kesan bulu mata lebih lebat dan panjang.
    Jangan berfokus pada memperpanjang bulu mata saat mengoleskan; fokuslah pada tindakan membuat bulu mata nampak lebih tebal. Bulu mata tebal akan memberi kesan lebih dramatis daripada bulu mata panjang.

Gunakan cara memanjangkan bulu mata ini untuk mendapatkan bulu mata yang lebih dramatis, nampak tebal dan panjang, tanpa melalui cangkok.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Using Eggs for Beauty and Expel stubborn Acne

Efficacy Eggs for Beauty and Expel Acne  


Eggs have many benefits for health and beauty. You can also use egg on the face or hair to make them so beautiful. Eggs are good for the skin because it can help treat acne, tightens the pores of the skin, dry skin and oily.Well, here are some of the benefits of health and beauty of the eggs, as reported Boldsky.

Oily skin. Eggs are often used as an ingredient for treating oily skin. Mix the eggs with sandalwood powder and use as a facial mask to get rid of oily skin.
Acne. Eggs can cure acne. Take the egg whites and used to massage the face to tighten the pores of the skin and fight acne.
Smooth skin. Mix the eggs with yogurt and use on your skin. Eggs also moisturize and soften skin.
Hair moisturizer. Want to have your hair soft and easy to set up? Use egg. Eggs can soften the hair and makes it easy to manage.
Against dandruff. Dandruff is a common hair problems in both women and men. You can treat dandruff by rubbing the eggs on the hair. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with anti-dandruff shampoo.
Reduce hair loss. Eggs can help you combat hair loss and scalp problems. Mix the eggs with the hair oil and lemon. Apply on the hair and massage. Leave for 30 minutes and then rinse to reduce hair loss.
Oily hair. We often have problems greasy hair and sticky during hot weather. Use egg to care for oily hair.
Remove dark circles in the eye. Beat the egg whites and carefully apply under the eyes. Allow to dry. Repeat once more and then rinse with cold water. You can also cover your eyes with cucumber slices to get rid of dark circles.Some properties of the egg above is not a limitation of the benefits of eggs which is actually very much. Hopefully the information about the benefits of eggs for this beauty useful for you all.

5 Tips Ways To Heel Treatment "Beautiful"

 5 Ways To Heel Treatment "Beautiful"
5 Tips Ways To Heel Treatment "Beautiful"

Heel calluses and cracked makes eyes became distracted, especially when we're wearing high heels. So how ya practical way to treat heel that is not broken again? Let's follow the steps immediately following ..Cracked heel is very disturbing appearance. Rubbing wear pumice could have made it so smooth back, but how effective to maintain not broken again? Before feels like a grater, better immediately do the following emergencies:
  1.     Soak feet in lukewarm water, may also be added to dissolve the salt

  2.     Rub gently with a pumice stone, or special polisher for the heel of the foot

  3.     Remove and dry with a towel

  4.     Apply cream to moisturize the feet, especially on the part cracked. If the situation is severe, you can use a special cream for cracked heels.

  5.     Wear socks while sleeping, so that moisture is maintained.

One thing that is equally important, you should avoid the use of shoes with heels open because it can make the heel becomes dry. During the period of the 'healing' first use a closed model of shoes, for example loafers, and also wear socks so that the humidity in the area is maintained.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Young Corn efficacy for health

Corn is one crop that is popular in Indonesia. Nice addition to boiled, baked, or used as popcorn, young corn turned out to have remarkable properties. In addition to fruit / meat young corn, the corn silk has properties also for health.

Several types of diseases that are believed DAPT cured by young corn are: Stone injal, Gallstones, high blood pressure.Water boiled corn cobs and hair can dissolve kidney stones. In addition, it is also useful steeping treat gallstone disease, and high blood pressure.

Kidney StonesIngredients: 4 young corn cobs, corn 1 handful Hair, Leaves Keji fresh porcelain 8 strandsWays of making: All material is boiled in 110 ml of water. Water decoction taken once daily, for 14 days. After the stone out, either in the form of pebbles, granules or froth, treatment should be stopped immediately, and then forwarded to drink herbs and Meniran Cats Whisker. Way, take each 30 grams of leaves and leaf meniran cat whiskers, brewed as tea.

GallstonesIngredients: Corn cob 5 young, fresh herbs Cats Whisker 5 gramsWays of making: All material is boiled with 110 ml of water. Water decoction taken once daily, for 14 days.

High Blood PressureIngredients: Corn cob Young 5-7, Hair Corn 1 handheldWays of making: All material is boiled with 110 ml of water. Drink boiled water once a day, for 7 days.You should look, do not use too much corn as a drug hair, because it can lower blood tekanand drastically in a short time.

Benefits And Cactus Plant Function To Human Health

  Benefits And Cactus Plant Function To Humans



Benefits of Cactus Plants - If we are talking about a plant that would be very much at all kinds of variety, because the cactus itself has many types, the better we start from the definition of a cactus plant itself. Cactus is the name given to members of flowering plants in the family Cactaceae. Plant this one has a privilege that is able to grow without water in a long time, so the cactus can be found in dry areas, such as deserts.Cactus has long roots in search of water and widen water absorption in the soil. Water is absorbed cactus stored in a space in the trunk. Cactus also have leaves that change shape to be a thorn in order to reduce the evaporation of water through the leaves. This is why the cactus can survive without water in a long time.If we are talking cactus definition there will be no end, therefore, I would take a crucial point alone, cactus found in believing in the period before European nations discover a new world, well now we just yes to the Point of the benefits and functions of cactus plants to humans on this earth.Benefits of Cactus Plants For HumansCactus As Purify WaterFrom ancient times the plant that has always been a savior, when someone runs out of stock of drinks in the desert, as in the cactus stem contained in drinking water canRecent research has shown the best pure water contained in the prickly pear cactus. Researchers from the University of South Florida has been experimenting with extracting sap and added into the dirty water because of sediment and bacteria.Sap resulting in sediment and bacteria to join, and then settle to the bottom and a separate 98% of bacteria in the water.Cactus As FoodstuffsMany tribes in India and Mexico make cactus as food. In addition, used also for the soup mix, butter, and cheeseCactus beguna For Treatmentsubstance that has rapidly against insect bites, itching, and allergicAs an antidote cactus Free RadicalsIts flavonoid content is high to enable the reaction of the body against allergies and viruses. Abnormal cells and tumor-forming cancers can be prevented. Cactus can also be used as a means to strengthen the immune system. Thus, the right is also used for the treatment of theWho would have thought if the plant is known for its spines it has the benefit of a very marvels, cactus living with solitude and in a dry place was able to provide countless benefits to humans, we should really be ashamed if we humans can not describe the benefits to the surrounding nature us, we really should be ashamed if we only destroy nature around us

How to Overcome Blackheads With Natural Ingredients and Extraction Techniques

Many blackheads that appear on the face and nose often make a lot of people, especially teenagers become insecure, especially when no one noticed. Why can arise blackheads? The causes are many. But generally, blackheads appear because you pay less attention to the cleanliness of the face. Even so, how to cope with blackheads also varied. You can use beauty products are widely available in supermarkets, using natural ingredients, or direct consultation with an expert (dermatologist).

Scrub and porepack, how to deal with blackheads on the face

What is the blackheads? Blackheads are the type of acne that arise as a result of dirty skin. Blackheads there are two types, namely white comedones (whiteheads) and black comedones (blackheads). Blackheads blackheads are classified as white is hard to be removed by normal means. Why? Because this kind of blackheads is located under the skin layer is closed and is the origin of acne which if not promptly cleaned can cause inflammation and even infection. While the black blackheads are black spots that appear on the face pores that are not coated skin epithelium. Black blackheads also called open comedones and blackheads are the type that often appears on the face of a teenager, especially the nose area.

how to cope with blackheads on nose
How do I cope with blackheads on the nose? Blackheads on the nose can be eliminated with the use of porepack. Porepack shape that resembles the curve of the nose is quite effective to remove blackheads open comedones (blackheads). The trick, first wipe the nose and face with a special scrub, then lightly mist the surface of the nose with water, then paste porepack. After a few minutes, remove porepack slowly and you will see the grain granules blackheads successfully removed from the nose. Do it regularly to prevent blackheads back again. Do not forget to choose the appropriate scrub your face skin type.
how to cope with blackheads and whiteThen how to cope with blackheads and white? Do not trigger worry. With proper care and keeping food, white blackheads can no longer behind you know. For those of you who have a lot of blackheads and white in the face, it is advisable to consult with a beautician or dermatologist. Because, sometimes the way the usual way by using natural ingredients is not powerful enough to remove blackheads this type. White blackheads can be removed with a little technique injure the 'eye' komedonya, and then removed. In addition, keeping the food consumed is also important to prevent blackheads back again. Avoid oily foods and drink plenty of water.Unlike the white blackheads, how to cope with black blackheads is not too difficult. In addition to porepack, black blackheads can be treated with natural ingredients such as warm water, salt or lemon peel. Take water to clean the nose, then apply hot water and salt so that the pores are clogged by open comedones. After a while, wipe with a damp cotton. Alternatively, you can use orange peel that has been soaked in a little water. The trick, before sleeping, orange peel paste to the face area of ​​blackheads and leave overnight. The next morning, blackheads will be lifted by itself.Extraction techniques and ekfoliasi, how to cope with difficult blackheads removedAs explained earlier, closed comedones or epithelium located beneath the skin is difficult to remove. Do not use porepack or other materials to remove blackheads this type yes, because it would not work. Then how donk closed comedones how to resolve this? Well, you can do ekfoliasi, the exfoliation of dead skin cells regularly. Do this after first consulting with an expert. Oh yeah, before ekfoliasi done, you should clean your face first and then perform the extraction technique unload the blackheads. To help keep pores easily open, evaporation can be done in the face.

how to overcome the closed comedones
Apparently there are many ways not to tackle blackheads? Importantly, avoid hold and squeeze blackheads on the face with his hands and equipment that is not sterile. Choose how to cope with blackheads most appropriate for the type of your blackheads. And to prevent it turning again, diligent cleaning your face after a long day with a cleanser that is suitable to the type of skin. Make it a habit to always wash hands with soap before touching your face yeah!