Sunday, March 1, 2015

How to Overcome Blackheads With Natural Ingredients and Extraction Techniques

Many blackheads that appear on the face and nose often make a lot of people, especially teenagers become insecure, especially when no one noticed. Why can arise blackheads? The causes are many. But generally, blackheads appear because you pay less attention to the cleanliness of the face. Even so, how to cope with blackheads also varied. You can use beauty products are widely available in supermarkets, using natural ingredients, or direct consultation with an expert (dermatologist).

Scrub and porepack, how to deal with blackheads on the face

What is the blackheads? Blackheads are the type of acne that arise as a result of dirty skin. Blackheads there are two types, namely white comedones (whiteheads) and black comedones (blackheads). Blackheads blackheads are classified as white is hard to be removed by normal means. Why? Because this kind of blackheads is located under the skin layer is closed and is the origin of acne which if not promptly cleaned can cause inflammation and even infection. While the black blackheads are black spots that appear on the face pores that are not coated skin epithelium. Black blackheads also called open comedones and blackheads are the type that often appears on the face of a teenager, especially the nose area.

how to cope with blackheads on nose
How do I cope with blackheads on the nose? Blackheads on the nose can be eliminated with the use of porepack. Porepack shape that resembles the curve of the nose is quite effective to remove blackheads open comedones (blackheads). The trick, first wipe the nose and face with a special scrub, then lightly mist the surface of the nose with water, then paste porepack. After a few minutes, remove porepack slowly and you will see the grain granules blackheads successfully removed from the nose. Do it regularly to prevent blackheads back again. Do not forget to choose the appropriate scrub your face skin type.
how to cope with blackheads and whiteThen how to cope with blackheads and white? Do not trigger worry. With proper care and keeping food, white blackheads can no longer behind you know. For those of you who have a lot of blackheads and white in the face, it is advisable to consult with a beautician or dermatologist. Because, sometimes the way the usual way by using natural ingredients is not powerful enough to remove blackheads this type. White blackheads can be removed with a little technique injure the 'eye' komedonya, and then removed. In addition, keeping the food consumed is also important to prevent blackheads back again. Avoid oily foods and drink plenty of water.Unlike the white blackheads, how to cope with black blackheads is not too difficult. In addition to porepack, black blackheads can be treated with natural ingredients such as warm water, salt or lemon peel. Take water to clean the nose, then apply hot water and salt so that the pores are clogged by open comedones. After a while, wipe with a damp cotton. Alternatively, you can use orange peel that has been soaked in a little water. The trick, before sleeping, orange peel paste to the face area of ​​blackheads and leave overnight. The next morning, blackheads will be lifted by itself.Extraction techniques and ekfoliasi, how to cope with difficult blackheads removedAs explained earlier, closed comedones or epithelium located beneath the skin is difficult to remove. Do not use porepack or other materials to remove blackheads this type yes, because it would not work. Then how donk closed comedones how to resolve this? Well, you can do ekfoliasi, the exfoliation of dead skin cells regularly. Do this after first consulting with an expert. Oh yeah, before ekfoliasi done, you should clean your face first and then perform the extraction technique unload the blackheads. To help keep pores easily open, evaporation can be done in the face.

how to overcome the closed comedones
Apparently there are many ways not to tackle blackheads? Importantly, avoid hold and squeeze blackheads on the face with his hands and equipment that is not sterile. Choose how to cope with blackheads most appropriate for the type of your blackheads. And to prevent it turning again, diligent cleaning your face after a long day with a cleanser that is suitable to the type of skin. Make it a habit to always wash hands with soap before touching your face yeah!

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