Monday, September 14, 2015

treating the vagina to avoid the disease and provide the convenience of your partner

How to Take Care of Vagina. The vagina (from Latin vagina, which is literally "sheath" or "scabbard") or the vagina is a tube-shaped channel that connects the uterus to the outside of the body in mammals and marsupilia females, or to the cloaca in female birds, monotremes, and some types of reptiles. Insects and some types of invertebrates also have a vagina, which is the final part of the oviduct. The vagina is a reproduction in female mammals, as well as the penis in male mammals.
 body vaginal

Because it is often considered vulgar, word vagina is also used for replacement. Similarly, various euphemisms used to describe it, such as "apem", "surabi", "trickle", "pussy", "turuk", "shout", "bawok, or pussy (English).Caring vagina not only aim to please couples, but also for the health care of women vagina itself. Useful for the treatment of vaginal menjagavagina of germs and statement, as indeed it is open when not receive special treatment vagina more susceptible to diseases that cause vaginal discharge and odor.Actually, what needs to be considered in treating vaginal? For that, let's discuss how to take care of the vagina in the vagina following tips on how to care for it:1. In a clean vagina vaginal use special soap that has the same pH bunch of normal vaginal pH of about 3.5 to 4.5, in treating vaginal maintain vaginal acidity is important to prevent bacteria or germs are good, if you are going to use an antiseptic vagina (douche) suggested choose a doctor, because has antiseptic properties and can be hard to kill all the bacteria in the vagina either the good bacteria that keep vaginadam cause irritation of the vagina.2. In choosing underwear panties that do not choose too tight, too tight cwelana in not good for the health of the vagina vagina because the atmosphere will be hot and humid, it is of course triggers the proliferation of germs. In addition, the use of tight underwear can suppress raim, use continuously for a long time certainly is not good for your uterus. Choose underwear made of a material to absorb sweat and not too tight.3. Avoid using perfumes or deodorants in the vaginal area, many women who do this hoping the vagina becomes fragrant, but this is not recommended because it can cause irritation in the vagina because the area is more sensitive compared to other areas.4. Replace the pads more often, and do not be lazy to replace it, especially when you are in the menstrual period, it is important to keep the vagina does not become moist.5. In treating the vagina is not only done on the outside but on the inside as it is important to maintain your diet and keep your weight in order to stay balanced.6. In the vaginal treatment using herbs material should not be too often, do a maximum of 2 times a month, especially in the moments after the menstrual period it is important to maintain the pH balance and keep the vagina to tetepa always healthy and fragrant.7. The last thing that is important in the vagina and health care for ourselves is to do safe sex, that note if your partner has a history of sexually transmitted disease other than that enough to have sex with our official partner.So are 7 ways to take care of the vagina you should know, especially for women. begin now to care of yourself and your partner.

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